29 December 2012

A picture from July. Maintaining the same look for all 4 seasons, I wore less red the entire 2012. That's a REDvolution. -red.

24 June 2012

2012 06 24. Hugs.

Intergalactic free hug day. Pass on the free hugs. Don't hesitate to help others. Smile!

08 June 2012

2012 06 08. Make Music Pasadena.

San Teletone will play at Make Music Pasadena.
My dreams are coming true, one dream at a time.
I'd like to give massive gratitude to Jeff Mamora for making it happen.
Last year I was a volunteer at the event, and a faithful spectator. This year I'll be on the other side of the stage. I want yous to share this journey with me.

04 May 2012

2011 05 04. Marvel's The Avengers.

The Avengers are one big happy family.
This movie is the all-star game of superhero movies. I've been waiting for Justice League movie that never happened, so this paid off that longing.
This movie made me very happy.

Joss Whedon, would you make a Wonder Woman movie please?
And Marvel, would you make a Black Widow & Hawkeye movie please?



07 April 2012

2012 04 06. Red vs Free Hugs part 2.

The second time I gave free hugs in Downtown Disney was on Easter.


22 February 2012

2012 02 22. San Teletone vs Lana Del Rey.

Lana Del Rey cover with my band, San Teletone.
I'm an awful singer. Or guitar player.
None of my friends listen to the songs I listen to.
Wait, I have no friends.

24 January 2012

2012 01 24. Mum's flight.

Have fun in Indonesia Mum! Don't worry I'll try to sleep more and be a good boy.

23 January 2012

2012 01 23. Karen Brockman.

If I get the chance to have a daughter (though I'm sure no one would marry me), I want her to have the British accent and the bright analytical mind, much like Karen Brockman; played by Ramona Marquez.
Initial: RM, same as mine.