21 September 2011

2011 09 21. Bethany Dillon.

I got a confession to make.
The year was 2004, I was 19. I swore to myself, if I ever get to be a famous, well respected musician, I would marry this girl; Bethany Dillon.

Why Beth? Because even back then when she was a 15 year old girl; she radiates a sense of peacefulness and maturity; a powerful contra to the old, boisterous Red Misery.
I know, I know, it sounded like a case of pedophilia, but we're only four years apart, calm down everyone.

7 years later, I'm still a nobody.
On the other hand, she's married, and recently gave birth to a beautiful daughter.
Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely happy for her.

One thing remains the same; I truly admire her Godliness.
I wanna be like her; closer to God, each and everyday.



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